August 2022 – Carer of the Month


Susan joined Elder in January 2021 and has continued to deliver excellent care ever since. She has provided nine weeks of care through our platform and is currently on the silver tier of our loyalty programme.

Carer of the month - Susan

On behalf of everyone at Elder HQ, congratulations, and thank you for your hard work!

“I would like to nominate Sue because she proved to be an exemplary carer for our mum in the very early part of the return to her home after 6 months in a care home following recovery from surgery.

The aspects that made mum’s ability to settle in so well were related to Sue’s skills and personal experience in addressing a number of issues, including close liaison with family to get better fitting slippers to help with safe and appropriate mobility. Adapting mum’s ability and allowing her to remain as involved and functionally capable within her own home with confidence. Liaising with professionals to assess and address her changing needs, taking appropriate swift action for an emergency situation, and seeking medical attention to prevent a longer-term problem. Dealing with equipment faults and other potentially stressful situations with calm and humour to ensure a better outcome for all concerned. Developing a companionable environment and discovering mum’s personality and dietary preferences to be able to cook some delicious and old favourites and so restore a warm and comforting home environment. Going the extra mile to facilitate family visits from her son & daughter-in-law visiting from Australia, having been prevented from visiting due to the pandemic. And finally, making mum’s first visit from her newest great-granddaughter a success and a memorable occasion.

Sue had a fabulous routine that worked seamlessly during her time with mum, managing transitions between carers well and communicating well with family, professionals and implementing communication book for subsequent carers.”

– Nominated by a customer

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