Find out more about Sarah, who was nominated for approaching each day with the highest level of care and compassion over the past 4 years.

Sarah has been a live-in carer for many years, and has always had a desire to help others and share her positivity. Prior to working in adult care, she was a special needs assistant teaching children maths, literacy and makaton – a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to help people communicate.
Sarah is a massive animal lover, enjoys gardening (although admits she’s not as green fingered as she would like to be), and is an avid reader, particularly enjoying books on medieval history.
“Sarah has been a joy to my mother and all the family.”
If you had to describe Sarah in just three words, what would they be?
Caring, compassionate, and loving.
“Sarah looked after mum for 4 years. Not once did she get short or snappy, and there were times when it would have been understandable. She went above and beyond helpful time and time again, jumping up & down for mum over the slightest request. In fact she was usually out of her seat in anticipation of what was about to be asked of her, knowing before mum did what was going to be needed.
“For 4 years she has looked after my mum with care and compassion. Nothing has ever been too much trouble. She is kind, funny and good company. I can’t say enough about how much we have all appreciated her and her hard work.
Sarah enabled mum to continue to live at home and enjoy her life even with all the restrictions her deteriorating health presented.
Sarah managed all that was expected as well as mum’s medication, medical visits and appointments, she welcomed visitors, and made and answered phone calls for mum as her hearing deteriorated. There is so much more that Sarah contributed to mum’s wellbeing that can be expressed.
Sadly mum started to need two carers to help with day to day tasks so we had no choice but to move her into a care home.
Sarah, you are a joy, we will all miss seeing you day to day, mum more than anyone. Thank you.”