October 2020 – Carer of the Month 


Bekere joined Elder in June 2020 and has continued to deliver excellent care ever since. She has provided 44 weeks of care through our platform and is currently on the diamond tier of our loyalty programme.

What is a dementia clock?

“Bekere is a wonderful carer always kind, patient and upbeat.”

“She works to a very high standard of care using her initiative as problems arise, cooking wonderful meals, meeting all my aunt’s needs. She keeps us well informed and you might think this is what brilliant carers do, however, we have been blown away. 

When my aunt’s brother, who is 87 and lives nearby, hadn’t popped in for a couple of days she walked round to check on him.

 When we went over with our new grandchild she had prepared a huge amount of food, baking a cake, and threw a party for my uncle who’s birthday it was. Nobody asked or expected this from Bekere she just decided to do it off her own bat.

We were blown away by her commitment and dedication as she just takes everybody under her wing. Bekere gives you great confidence that all is well in her hands. We feel she is deserving of the award carer of the month”


On behalf of everyone at Elder HQ, congratulations Bekere.