Forest Dene Residential Care Home is a large care home situated in London housing a maximum of fourty individuals. Forest Dene Residential Care Home cares for elderly including people with sensory impairment. Additionally, the residency is able to support people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and physical disabilities.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has monitored Forest Dene Residential Care Home for more than eleven years. The CQC last updated their ratings of Forest Dene Residential Care Home in February 2022, giving it an overall rating of good.
Sanctuary Care Limited is registered as the provider that operates the home. Forest Dene Residential Care Home is one of many facilities (a total of 71) operated by Sanctuary Care Limited.
For more information about Forest Dene Residential Care Home, please give the office a call at 02089892311. Additional information is available online at