What a self-employed carer can expect from an Elder placement

Learn what you can expect once you’ve secured a placement  through the Elder platform. 



This document outlines what an Self-Employed Carer can expect from a placement facilitated through Elder. Although Self-Employed Carers are not employed by Elder, where practical, we aim to facilitate a fair and suitable working environment for the Self-Employed Carer when they are working in a Care Recipient’s home in accordance with our Community Standards. Our Community Standards can be found here.

1) Dignity and respect: Self-Employed Carers should be treated with dignity and respect. Any form of intentional verbal, physical, or emotional abuse will not be tolerated. When working as a live-in carer, Self-Employed Carers have the right to privacy (see “The Home Environment”). Where a Self-Employed Carer is subjected to any form of abuse or mistreatment they will be supported to leave a placement in a timely manner if they choose to leave.

2) The Home Environment: Self-Employed Carers should have their own private bedroom, a secure place to keep their belongings, and fresh bedding and towels. It is essential that all necessary appliances are working properly (e.g. the cooker).

Self-Employed Carers should be informed about who else lives in the home, in addition to the Care Recipient, prior to accepting a placement. The Self-Employed Carer should also be informed of any CCTV in and on the property. Self-Employed Carers must only provide support to the person for which the Care Request is completed. 

3) The Care Request and Profile: An accurate and up-to-date Care Request and Profile helps to ensure Self-Employed Carers are working within their competencies and helps to keep everyone safe. The Care Request must be an up-to-date and accurate reflection of the Care Recipient’s needs. This includes medical conditions, medication, nutritional needs, personal care, mobility, continence, behaviour, night-time support and any equipment the Self-Employed Carer might be expected to use to support the Care Recipient. 

Should a Self-Employed Carer feel the Care Request is not an accurate reflection of the duties they are performing they have the right to ask the Customer/Care Recipient to update accordingly. Should the matter not be resolved, the Self-Employed Carer should raise concerns with Elder directly via Chat. 

4) Breaks & Time-Off: breaks should be agreed with the Customer/Care Recipient prior to a placement starting. All parties should be clear on break arrangements, coverage requirements and agree to any subsequent changes. Although Self-Employed Carers are not employed by Elder, we encourage arranging appropriate breaks following government guidelines (https://www.gov.uk/rest-breaks-work).  You can manage your breaks directly in the hub.

5) Night-Time Support: Self-Employed Carers who are undertaking regular live-in care duties should prepare to assist with night-time disturbances up to 2x per night for around 15 minutes on average. Should a Care Recipient require additional night time support, waking night care or alternative arrangements must be explored by the Customer. A Self-Employed Carer should not expect to exceed these waking times unless he/she is a waking night carer. 

6) No Specialist Care Provision: As a Self-Employed Carer on the Elder platform you will not be expected to undertake any duties which are nurse-led, require specialist training, or any for which you feel you can not undertake safely.

Specialist care that falls outside of the services of the platform  includes: 

  • STOMA care
  • PEG care 
  • Wound Care
  • Ventilation, Oxygen Support, BiPAP or CPAP Support
  • Unstable Epilepsy
  • Controlled Drug Administration
  • Covert Medication Administration
  • Glucose readings via finger pricks
  • Injections
  • Pessaries, Enemas, Suppositories
  • Active addiction 
  • Acute mental health disorders
  • Any actions which could be considered a deprivation of liberty (e.g. locking doors to prevent someone from leaving their home)