Care homes in Portsmouth

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East Cosham House, 91 Havant Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2JD

East Cosham House

East Cosham House is a medium size care home located in Portsmouth housing a maximum of 24 individuals. The home accepts adults over 65 with dementia. Additionally, the home is able to support people with mental health conditions.

Harry Sotnick House, Cranleigh Avenue, Portsmouth, PO1 5LU

Harry Sotnick House

Harry Sotnick House is a large care home situated in Portsmouth, with a capacity of 92. The nursing home caters for adults of all ages including people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. The facility also accepts individuals with physical disabilities and sensory impairment.

Hamilton House, 6 Drayton Lane, Portsmouth, PO6 1HG

Hamilton House

Hamilton House is a large nursing home situated in Portsmouth, with capacity to house sixty residents. Hamilton House cares for and supports adults of all ages with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Mary Rose Manor, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5GA

Mary Rose Manor

Mary Rose Manor is a large care home (with nursing facilities) situated in Portsmouth, with fifty beds. The care home accepts younger and elderly adults with physical disabilities. The nursing home also cares for residents with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia and mental health conditions.

Clarendon Care Home, 64-66 Clarendon Road, Southsea, PO5 2JZ

Clarendon Care Home

Clarendon Care Home is a medium size care residence in Southsea, with capacity to house twenty residents. The residency cares for and supports elderly including those with dementia.

Shearwater, Moorings Way, Milton, Portsmouth, PO4 8QW


Shearwater is a large residental home in Portsmouth, with a capacity of sixty. Shearwater cares for and supports older individuals with dementia.


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