Ben and Mary's story - finding their ideal carer
Benjamin, known as Ben to his friends, married Mary over 50 years ago, not far from South Pynton in Stockport. At the end of last year, Mary had a stroke, which left Ben struggling to manage.

One evening in December, he called Elder and spoke with a young man named Rich. Ben told Rich, “Things are getting too much, and I could do with some help”, Rich listened to Ben’s requirements and notes down, “Benjamin is a lovely bloke, a real gentleman and still very much with it. He likes classical music and used to visit lots of art galleries”.
Getting care in place
Ben needed care as soon as possible. Our clinical team efficiently reviewed the care appraisal, giving it the gold star of approval. Then just in time for Christmas, Ben and Mary’s first carer, Jaz, arrived. Ben told Liz, who was now managing the account, “Jaz was ideal as our first live-in carer. It was great to have her over Christmas when there were 11 of us in the house. But she can be a bit overbearing in insisting on her way. In our experience, she is usually, though not invariably, right.”
Jaz stayed for three weeks before their next carer, Sasha, arrived for a ten-day stay. Ben gave Sasha 4 stars, on par with Jaz, but not the 5/5 we strive for at Elder.
The perfect carer
On the 15th of January, their third carer, Janice, arrived. Ben noted in his carer feedback survey that she was taking a little time to settle in. However, just one month later, the positive feedback started, and it just didn’t stop.
Janice is splendid. She is tireless, extremely helpful and colossal fun.”
Then in April Ben exclaimed, “She is just so much fun! We do not want to lose her.” In May, continuing his 100% response rate, he wrote, “Janice is an absolute delight, caring for me quite as much as for my wife, Mary. I fear we will be lost without her!
Now, as the sun scorches down on Elder HQ, the hard work doesn’t stop, and Ben knows it. In his 10/10 NPS response yesterday, Ben wrote, “Elder works hard to identify the right carer for each client and in our third, Janice, they found the perfect match.